App - System

Monday 16 April 2018, 14:14  #1
App - System-ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
  • 3 posts

hi guys, I found the way how to access the shell , but I don’t input correctly(actually I have no idea to input something like 0xff 0xbf) , and I want to use the pwn to do this, but it’s not installed in this
server. so have other tools like pwn ?? or can give me some way to input correctly?

Monday 30 April 2018, 11:08  #2
App - System-ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
Boris Ohayon
  • 1 posts

Hey, one thing you could do is find the ascii value of what you want to write. You might find that extended ascii value are not that easy to work with. You might want to do a script that writes what you want, in the order that you want. Take a look at perl and print

Sunday 13 May 2018, 03:12  #3
App - System-ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
  • 7 posts

I second the post above. For these kinds of challenges I often use the template: `python -c ’print("\xaa\xbb")’ | ./challenge`. You can also use an asterisk to multiply (in python) a particular string some number of times. For example, "\xff"*100 will give you 100 bytes of of FF.