
Tuesday 4 January 2022, 23:35  #1
Programming GO back to college challenge
Adam Valin
  • 1 posts

Hello guys,

After a lot of trials, I finally managed to send a message to candy and to receive the two numbers :

:Candy! PRIVMSG botname :907 / 6746

I now want to isolate each of these numbers in a variable to treat them and to do the calculus. Thos numbers are for now string types. Here is my code for this task :

irc.send(bytes("PRIVMSG candy :!ep1 \r\n",’UTF-8’))
resp = irc.recv(2040).decode("UTF-8")
number1 = resp.split(’ ’)[3]
character = ":"
number1 = ’’.join( x for x in number1 if x not in character)
number2 = resp.split(’ ’)[5]

I succeed in isolating those two numbers in two variables as my console printed me precisely this message :

So now I want to transform those string types into int types to do the calculus. For now I just add two lines of codes to my actual codes that are :

irc.send(bytes("PRIVMSG candy :!ep1 \r\n",’UTF-8’))
resp = irc.recv(2040).decode("UTF-8")
number1 = resp.split(’ ’)[3]
character = ":"
number1 = ’’.join( x for x in number1 if x not in character)
number2 = resp.split(’ ’)[5]

entier1 = int(number1)
entier2 = int(number2)

But when I add those two lines, number1 and number2 change ... They don’t detect the number as it did before but detect respectively the third and fifth word of the resp recv that is : 451 JOIN :You have not registered NOTICE Auth :Welcome to -HackerzVoice-! 001 botname :Welcome to the HackerzVoice IRC Network botname! 002 botname :Your host is, running version InspIRCd-2.0 003 botname :This server was created 19:52:09 Aug 12 2013 004 botname InspIRCd-2.0 BHIRSWcghiorswx FLMNPRSYabcefhijklmnopqrstvz FLYabefhjkloqv 005 botname AWAYLEN=200 CALLERID=g CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 CHANMODES=be,k,FLfjl,MNPRScimnprstz CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# CHARSET=ascii ELIST=MU EXCEPTS=e EXTBAN=,NRSUcjmz FNC KICKLEN=255 MAP :are supported by this server 005 botname MAXBANS=60 MAXCHANNELS=20 MAXPARA=32 MAXTARGETS=20 MODES=20 NETWORK=HackerzVoice NICKLEN=31 OVERRIDE PREFIX=(Yqaohv)! &@%+ SECURELIST SSL= STARTTLS STATUSMSG=! &@%+ :are supported by this server 005 botname TOPICLEN=307 USERIP VBANLIST WALLCHOPS WALLVOICES :are supported by this server 042 botname 959ADT3MA :your unique ID 375 botname message of the day 372 botname :- ██████████ ╻ ╻┏━┓┏━╸╻┏ ┏━╸┏━┓╺━┓╻ ╻┏━┓╻┏━╸┏━╸ 372 botname :- ████████ ██ ┣━┫┣━┫┃ ┣┻┓┣╸ ┣┳┛┏━┛┃┏┛┃ ┃┃┃ ┣╸ 372 botname :- ██ ██ ██ ╹ ╹╹ ╹┗━╸╹ ╹┗━╸╹┗╸┗━╸┗┛ ┗━┛╹┗━╸┗━╸ 372 botname :- ██████████████ 372 botname :- ██████████ IRC network at 372 botname :-

So number1 is now equal to "You" while number2 is equal to "not".

I really don’t know what to do, can someone explain to me what is happening ?

Thanks a lot,
have a good day and happy new year