Web - Server

Saturday 25 July 2020, 19:13  #1
Web - Server where to start learning?
  • 1 posts

Hey guys and girls,

iam new to hacking and did a few things at web client challenges. But here on the webserver i got a hard time so i dont understand it right. And there is where you come to help me :D
Could you say me where i should start to understand a webserver?

for answers i would really helpfull :) thx that you read till here <3

greetings laughincoffin

Tuesday 31 August 2021, 07:20  #2
Web - Server where to start learning?
  • 2 posts

Trust me, I just started 4 days ago and Im learning everyday alot. How? I take a look at challenge and read documentations linked, also Youtube & google. We can learn togheter if you want here is my discord: devilfunds#0001