
Saturday 28 March 2020, 23:22  #1
Network - Bluetooth - Unknown file
  • 1 posts

Hi there!
I’m using wireshark to find the mac @ and the name. However, the mac @ i’ve found doesn’t seem right, and when I calculate the hash (mac uppercase), it’s wrong.
Any chance of some help?

Saturday 28 March 2020, 23:30  #2
Network - Bluetooth - Unknown file
  • 6 posts

Better than possibly spoiling in the forum, you can PM me with what you’re trying to sha1sum and I’ll tell you what’s wrong

Monday 25 May 2020, 23:38  #3
Network - Bluetooth - Unknown file
  • 1 posts

Hello there,

I’m using the same approach as Teebs22: via Wireshark. I have the mac and the name but it seems that the hash is wrong.

Could you please give me a hand?

Cheers :)

Monday 8 June 2020, 20:57  #4
Network - Bluetooth - Unknown file
  • 1 posts

Maybe this will help, maybe not...
When I first attempted the problem, out of habit, I kept using the MAC address of the computer. Which didn’t work. Look for the mac address of the phone and the phone name.
Your welcome to message me if your still confused.

Wednesday 28 October 2020, 06:14  #5
Network - Bluetooth - Unknown file
  • 1 posts

Hi I’m struggling on getting the hash correctly. I have found the mac address and phone i just dont know in what order to hash it, can anyone help me?

Friday 23 July 2021, 04:35  #6
Network - Bluetooth - Unknown file
  • 3 posts

Para los que les haya costado llegar a sacar el sha1.
Dice que la mac debe ser en mayusculas y es cierto , toda en mayusculas 0C:B3:19:B9:4F , luego deben buscar el dipositivo , sabemos que se intenta conectar un celular samsung a otro celular en la red no ? , ps esa maquina si abrieron el archivo en wireshark se debieron de dar cuenta que era esta no -> , GT-S7390G si lo concatenas queda asi , 0C:B3:19:B9:4F:C6GT-S7390G , ahora tienen que cifrarlo en sha1 , les recomiendo esta pagina ,

solo pegan y el encriptado que les de lo pasan a su reto y listo .

sha1 es un cifrado el cual no se puede decodificar recuerden eso ... sorry por el spoiler para algunos pero no creo que deban venir al foro si no han gastado sus recursos , videos , referencias , etc ...

Monday 11 April 2022, 14:11  #7
Network - Bluetooth - Unknown file
  • 1 posts

It looks like I did it right, but apparently linux’ sha1sum produces a completely different result. Any idea why?

Monday 3 April 2023, 22:22  #8
Network - Bluetooth - Unknown file
  • 1 posts

[no spoilers dont worry]
Hi all,
I give one advice here if anyone does have the same problem I had to complete this challenge.

Issue: to test my generated sha1, I tried to hash the example given in the text ’ AB:CD:EF:12:34:56monTelephone -> 836eca0d42f34291c5fefe91010873008b53c129’.

I saw a different result at first time with both commands:

echo "AB:CD:EF:12:34:56monTelephone" | openssl sha1
echo "AB:CD:EF:12:34:56monTelephone" | sha1sum

According to this website (, the error comes from the missing -n argument for echo. Both commands seems to consider some newline character into the message.

So I tried with:
echo -n "AB:CD:EF:12:34:56monTelephone" | sha1sum
echo -n "AB:CD:EF:12:34:56monTelephone" | openssl sha1

and all was right.
Then all what’s needed is to find the right string to hash.

gl all