
Monday 9 March 2020, 11:42  #1
MacOS Keychain
  • 6 posts

I have advanced to decrypt the Gmail password, but the flag does not pass.
Are "session_password" and "loginpassword" different?
Do I need to find anything other than the login password I used to crack my Gmail password?

Tuesday 7 July 2020, 08:56  #2
MacOS Keychain
Martin Tzvetanov
  • 12 posts

"The flag is the SHA256 hash of the concatenation of the macOS session’s password and the Gmail account password: flag = sha256(session_password + gmail_password)" definitely means that there are two passwords.

I’m not sure if you got what is the format of the flag. You have to find 2 passwords: session_password (the pass for logging in to MacOS) and gmail_password (this is the gmail password). Let’s assume session_password is 123456 and gmail_password is 654321, the concatenation of these passwords is 123456654321 and the flag is sha256 hash of 123456654321