
Thursday 19 July 2018, 00:13  #1
Network - Cisco
  • 11 posts

I need some help with this challenge.

I have found the passwords for the type 7 passwords, but none of them did work. I have then been looking at the type 5 password and tried to bruteforce it, but without any luck.

Am I on the right track ?

Thursday 19 July 2018, 11:00  #2
Network - Cisco
  • 1636 posts

Have you found all others passwords ? What can you deduce ? There is some guessing in this challenge

Thursday 19 July 2018, 15:15  #3
Network - Cisco
  • 11 posts

I have found 4 type 7 passwords and decrypted them, and the type 5 password I can’t figure out how to break.

It seems to me that the password must be min 8 letters/number, and then I’m stuck

Thursday 19 July 2018, 20:12  #4
Network - Cisco
  • 11 posts

I finally find the solution :)

Wednesday 8 August 2018, 05:14  #5
Network - Cisco
  • 1 posts

Cool challange.

Little hints coming fourth:
1) Read the resource files
2) Don’t just focus on cracking the ’password 5’ type.
3) Crack the ’password 7’ types first to make sure your decrypter is working and you may start to see a pattern

Wednesday 27 February 2019, 11:06  #6
Network - Cisco
  • 1 posts

Very good challenge, did test my patience, keep it simple! 🙂  🙂

Friday 28 June 2019, 23:19  #7
Network - Cisco
  • 2 posts

I found the pattern and type 5 text but it is not taking the pattern

Sunday 15 September 2019, 07:56  #8
Network - Cisco
  • 1 posts

Guys give me some Hints, It helps me to solve Cisco password.

Tuesday 15 October 2019, 16:12  #9
Network - Cisco
  • 1 posts

Feels really tough and needs a lot of patience to complete it.