Web - Client

Saturday 12 August 2017, 01:24  #1
Web - Client - Java Obfuscation 5
  • 1 posts

Ok so I’m really struggling with JS obfuscation 5 after doing the others fairly quickly. I don’t want to give too much away but I’ve made the main script readable, but I can’t figure out how to decode ttt.js

I don’t want to put everything I’ve tried because it might ruin it for others, but I could use a nudge in the right direction. I know ttt.js isn’t encoded via XOR 13, and I can’t reverse any encoding in the other function because of the right shift by 2.

Wednesday 13 February 2019, 06:33  #2
Web - Client - Java Obfuscation 5
  • 8 posts

2 year and no more hint, I agree with you that ttt.js isn’t encoded via XOR 13.