App - Script

Friday 6 November 2020, 15:56  #1
App - Script - Bash - Restricted shells
  • 2 posts

i’m trying to escalate privilege , and stuck at step 11-12, i escalated in step 10 through get proxycommand, and sudo -l shows that i can use make with **-12 user, i wrote bash.c, and Makefile, but when i try to execute it i get the following error:
“app-script-ch14-11@challenge02:/tmp$ sudo -u app-script-ch14-12 make bash
sudo: unable to open audit system: Permission denied
sudo: pam_open_session: System error
sudo: policy plugin failed session initialization”

Friday 8 March 2024, 11:57  #2
App - Script - Bash - Restricted shells
  • 1 posts