App - System

Friday 25 September 2020, 10:54  #1
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow - ret2dl_resolve: Dropped privilege!!!
  • 3 posts

my script worked just fine but it still in the current user not the cracked one, anyone encountering this prob?

 (PNG, 14.2 kb)
Friday 25 September 2020, 10:58  #2
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow - ret2dl_resolve: Dropped privilege!!!
  • 6 posts

Do you pwn it with a remote tcp connection?
Because in ssh, the binary doesn’t have the sticky bit.

Friday 25 September 2020, 13:15  #3
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow - ret2dl_resolve: Dropped privilege!!!
  • 3 posts

i’m using pwntools for ssh connection, does it related?

Friday 25 September 2020, 14:08  #4
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow - ret2dl_resolve: Dropped privilege!!!
  • 7 posts

It is not the same.

When you connect over SSH the challenge binary doesn’t have the sticky bit set whereas when you directly connect over TCP to (from the full description of the challenge) then a wrapper script is invoked with the sticky bit correctly set.

Saturday 26 September 2020, 03:18  #5
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow - ret2dl_resolve: Dropped privilege!!!
  • 3 posts

ah, tks guys I did it. like you said, i just need to change the wrapper script over to tcp then it doesn’t drop anymore