SSH Agent Hijacking



2268 Compromissions 26%

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17 votes


You have just arrived on the team and your sysadmin colleague refuses to give you root rights because "it’s too early".
You tell him that you will find the way to elevate your privileges to get the root account of the machine. Your colleague laughs and tells you that he will regularly go to the server to wish you good luck!

Credentials : admin / admin

Zeit der Kompromittierung

1 Stunden



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Nickname Virtual Machine Anzahl der Angreifer Begonnen am Maschine kompromittiert in
- SSH Agent Hijacking 0 28. Februar 2019 zu  22:58 -
- SSH Agent Hijacking 1 28. Februar 2019 zu  22:19 -
debra SSH Agent Hijacking 1 28. Februar 2019 zu  21:28 0h43
- SSH Agent Hijacking 1 28. Februar 2019 zu  18:48 -
Wojtek SSH Agent Hijacking 2 28. Februar 2019 zu  17:40 0h55