


483 Compromissions 8%

Nota  Notación

7 votos


Attention : this CTF-ATD is linked to the challenge "Bash/Awk - netstat parsing"

After some network troubles, our administrator has written a script that monitors the processes that have a SYN Backlog full. For the moment, this script just write the relevant information on stdout.

  • Log into SSH on the machine (user / password) and get root permissions by exploiting a vulnerability in the script.
  • The challenge validation password is in the file /srv/syn_backlog/passwd.
  • The CTF-ATD validation password is in the file /passwd.

Tiempo de compromiso

2 horas

Sistema operativo


iniciar este entorno virtual

Resultado del CTF alltheday Resultado del CTF alltheday por Awky

Usuario Entorno Virtual Numeros de participante Fecha de principio Maquína comprometida en
RadekG Awky 1 3 de marzo de 2019 a 07:36 0h13
- Awky 1 3 de marzo de 2019 a 09:07 -
- Awky 1 2 de marzo de 2019 a 23:09 -
- Awky 1 3 de marzo de 2019 a 13:36 -
- Awky 0 2 de marzo de 2019 a 21:14 -