


483 Compromissions 8%

Nota  Notación

7 votos


Attention : this CTF-ATD is linked to the challenge "Bash/Awk - netstat parsing"

After some network troubles, our administrator has written a script that monitors the processes that have a SYN Backlog full. For the moment, this script just write the relevant information on stdout.

  • Log into SSH on the machine (user / password) and get root permissions by exploiting a vulnerability in the script.
  • The challenge validation password is in the file /srv/syn_backlog/passwd.
  • The CTF-ATD validation password is in the file /passwd.

Tiempo de compromiso

2 horas

Sistema operativo


iniciar este entorno virtual

Resultado del CTF alltheday Resultado del CTF alltheday por Awky

Usuario Entorno Virtual Numeros de participante Fecha de principio Maquína comprometida en
- Awky 1 4 de marzo de 2019 a 11:41 -
- Awky 0 3 de marzo de 2019 a 23:29 -
- Awky 3 3 de marzo de 2019 a 21:28 -
RadekG Awky 3 3 de marzo de 2019 a 20:49 0h05
- Awky 1 3 de marzo de 2019 a 07:55 -