App - Script

Sunday 19 February 2023, 16:49  #1
App - Script | Powershell - SecureString
  • 2 posts

Hi folks

I’m stuck in this lab. I discovered the AES key bytes and the contents of .passwd.crypt, but I’m not so sure how can I convert the encrypted password back to the original plain text using PowerShell. I tried to do it from my local machine with a Python script, but the resulting decrypted plain text did not work as a validation. While in the PowerShell lab, also tried the following commands:

$pass = Get-Content .passwd.crypt
$dpass = ConvertFrom-SecureString $pass -AsPlainText -Force

but the resulting $dpass variable is empty when printed in the console. Any ideas on how should I proceed?

Friday 16 June 2023, 22:35  #2
App - Script | Powershell - SecureString
  • 5 posts


for the hint, you should ask yourself: what is encrypted, when and where. I think you miss the purpose of this whole part with the SecureString 

Hope it helps