App - Script

Monday 24 July 2023, 11:11  #1
Bash - Restricted shells
  • 7 posts


I’m stuck at the step 11 to 12 with make binary.
No pams errors, caused by the previous step. I use GTFOBins one.

Friday 4 August 2023, 06:21  #2
Bash - Restricted shells
  • 3 posts

Im stucking in here too from 11 to 12 with error: Permission denied from sudit system

app-script-ch14-11@challenge02:/$ COMMAND=’/bin/sh’
app-script-ch14-11@challenge02:/$ sudo -u app-script-ch14-12 /usr/bin/make -s —eval=$’x:\n\t-’"$COMMAND"
sudo: unable to open audit system: Permission denied
sudo: pam_open_session: System error
sudo: policy plugin failed session initialization

Is there someone can help me please!

Monday 25 December 2023, 10:32  #3
Bash - Restricted shells
  • 1 posts

Same, if any updates, please help