ELF x64 - Anti-debug and equations

65 Punkte  0x0

Warnung: Seltsame Anti-Debug-Techniken



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391 Herausforderer 1%

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86 votes

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Nickname Übungen Sprache date
Jeyanthan Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug et equations fr 18. Juni 2023 zu  22:13
silentvoid Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug et equations fr 17. Juni 2023 zu  19:53
FazeCT Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug and equations en 28. Mai 2023 zu  16:58
bozo Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug et equations fr 25. Mai 2023 zu  19:37
Vozec Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug et equations fr 24. Mai 2023 zu  21:47
M58 Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug et equations fr 18. Mai 2023 zu  15:49
LesChats Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug et equations fr 16. Mai 2023 zu  02:03
0xTRIKKSS Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug et equations fr 21. April 2023 zu  00:54
spikeroot Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug et equations fr 15. April 2023 zu  12:25
mutea Cracking  ELF x64 - Anti-debug and equations en 19. März 2023 zu  23:17

challenges 66 Premium Übungen

Ergebnis Name Validierung Anzahl der Punkte  Erklärung der Punktevergabe Schwierigkeitsgrad   Schwierigkeitsgrad Autor Bewertung  Bewertung Musterlösung date
pas_valide ELF x86 - 0 protection 14% 43589 5 g0uZ 2 7. Oktober 2006
pas_valide PE x86 - 0 protection 6% 19389 5 alejandr0 1 11. November 2012
pas_valide ELF C++ - 0 protection 4% 10208 10 sourcePerrier 0 13. Juli 2016
pas_valide Godot - 0 protection 1% 1595 10 Elf 0 10. Juni 2022
pas_valide PE DotNet - 0 protection 3% 9687 10 Geluchat 0 15. September 2014
pas_valide ELF x86 - Basic 11% 35187 5 g0uZ 1 7. Oktober 2006
pas_valide ELF ARM - Basic Crackme 2% 3934 20 0xmitsurugi 0 13. Juli 2016
pas_valide PYC - ByteCode 2% 4997 20 Thanat0s 0 3. Juli 2013
pas_valide PE DotNet - Basic Crackme 1% 1023 20 nqnt 0 14. April 2021
pas_valide PE DotNet - Basic Anti-Debug 1% 1291 20 nqnt 0 24. März 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - Basic KeygenMe 1% 1394 20 fr0g 0 2. September 2020
pas_valide Godot - Mono 1% 557 20 Elf 0 10. Juni 2022
pas_valide WASM - Introduction 1% 1181 15 Cyxo 0 26. März 2021
pas_valide Godot - Bytecode 1% 822 15