
Monday 9 January 2017, 23:08  #1
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Is there someone who has completed this challenge that I can reach out to see if I’m on right track.

This is most complicated forensic challenge I’ve attempted so far and while I feel like I am quite far in the process and I think I know what I need to do next but my attempts are not turning up much and I want to just do a sanity check that I’m on the right track.

a cryptic message of my progress:
I have foundme the flag but the end is not there

PM me if you can help. Thank you

Thursday 16 March 2017, 13:48  #2
Find Me
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I shall say that you do want to keep in mind that it’s a kid who’s messing with his dad.... Subliminal message : He’s probably not older than 21 years old !

Wednesday 1 June 2022, 17:32  #3
Find Me
  • 3 posts

I found "my_safety_box" hidden in another encrypt file, but I don’t know how I can continue... Do someone help me?