Web - Server

Tuesday 29 November 2016, 09:23  #1
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 2 posts

Bien le bonjour o/

J’ai reussi à executer du code mais impossible de récuperer le contenu du fichier .passwd

Aurai-je oublié une étape ?


Friday 9 December 2016, 11:51  #2
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 2 posts

up (limitation de 10 charactères :’-)) )

Wednesday 4 January 2017, 15:54  #3
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 3 posts

pareil.... un pti coup de pouce sur le listage?

Friday 13 January 2017, 23:18  #4
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 1 posts

Is this challenge broken?
Every time I upload a file and try to view it I get a 404 - File not found

Saturday 14 January 2017, 13:56  #5
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 2 posts

pareil pour moi

Si je download une image elle n’est pas affiche non plus, sur le menu upload comme si il y avait un pb de permission.

Sunday 15 January 2017, 12:21  #6
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 10 posts

I tried and it works
Good luck !

Sunday 22 January 2017, 20:44  #7
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 1 posts

I already get /etc/passwd, but i dont see any password there..

and i try /.passwd but dont get anything.. someone please give clue  😇

Tuesday 7 March 2017, 10:15  #8
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 2 posts

Hello everybody!

As it’s my first post, I’d like to start it by saying a big "thank you" to Root Me, this site is great, and the challenges are really a wonderful learning tool! :D

So, I managed to inject some PHP code here, and I actually printed the content of .passwd!
However, it seems like the challenge is not over yet, and I’m not really sure of what to do next, because I haven’t identified yet the content of this file...
Am I on the right track?

Thank you! :)

EDIT: Actually, I tried again 5 minutes ago, and the SAME THING I got from my first attempt worked perfectly fine... I was probably not fully awake, and forgot to copy something x)

Wednesday 27 May 2020, 13:26  #9
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 1 posts

Bonjour, j’ai réussi à y mettre un shell mais je ne trouve pas le mot de passe. J’ai trouvé un fichier contenant les identidifiant et location des mots de passe (.passwd) mais impossible de trouver le mot passe.
Avez vous un petit indice à me donner ?
Merci beaucoup

Wednesday 27 May 2020, 13:35  #10
Web - Server | File upload - double extension
  • 394 posts


Votre objectif est de compromettre cette galerie photo en y uploadant du code PHP.
Récupérez le mot de passe de validation dans le fichier .passwd à la racine de l’application.»

L’objectif semble clair pourtant non?