
Wednesday 21 September 2016, 04:17  #1
Cracking - C++ 0 protection

Need help to find write up?

Tuesday 27 September 2016, 11:57  #2
Cracking - C++ 0 protection
  • 1 posts

Yes, i bypass "test al, al", set $al to 1 and it returns "Congratz. You can validate with this password..." but its not the good way, have you any advice ? software to use or other ?

 (PNG, 75.3 kb)
Saturday 8 October 2016, 19:19  #3
Cracking - C++ 0 protection
  • 1 posts

Same, I change a je by a jne for the congratz, but it’s not the good way to do it :/

Friday 4 November 2016, 16:36  #4
Cracking - C++ 0 protection
  • 7 posts

Any updates here. Iḿ stuck

Thursday 29 December 2016, 17:30  #5
Cracking - C++ 0 protection
  • 1 posts

You need to actually find the password the program is expecting, changing instructions wont help you here.
I found the password (and it’s very clear that it IS the password) but for some reason root-me says "Just try again".
No idea what to do now :(

Saturday 28 January 2017, 08:04  #6
Cracking - C++ 0 protection
  • 4 posts

Hi all try to use radare :)
and u will get it :)

Tuesday 21 March 2017, 18:23  #7
Cracking - C++ 0 protection
  • 1 posts

Bonjour, je suis totalement perdu dans ce challenge. Avec quel logiciel doit on ouvrir ce fichier? Je suis sous linux, ubuntu, j’ai utiliser objdump pour lire le fichier en assembleur. Auriez-vous des pistes? Merci

Saturday 9 March 2019, 14:39  #8
Cracking - C++ 0 protection
  • 1 posts

Look before the printf statement saying that u can validate with the password .There u can easily see the password in radare2 or gdb

Thursday 27 June 2019, 16:17  #9
Cracking - C++ 0 protection
  • 1 posts

@itai did you solve it?

I found the password, it’s very clear it’s correct — and by googling it I can find other writeups that have it, but it doesn’t get accepted. Must be a bug.