App - System

Sunday 17 July 2016, 17:33  #1
ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
  • 1 posts


I managed to execute the else condition which contain the function "system(/bin/dash)"
But I have 2 question.

 I don’t know what am I suppose to do right now. I don’t know where am I suppose to find the "code" which will validate the challenge.
 Also I found on the forum that many people didn’t see the prompt on DASH or keep the DASH open.

So does anyone who can explained me what am I suppose to do for keep the DASH open and then where to find the "code" which will validate the challenge ?


Sunday 17 July 2016, 17:43  #2
ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
  • 10 posts

Steven when you arrive to keep to Dash open you just have to read the password file which is in the same directory

Sunday 17 July 2016, 17:47  #3
ELF32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1
  • 10 posts

About keeping your Dash open go on IRC chan and ask your question I think lot of people have already find this problem