Web - Client

Thursday 12 November 2015, 12:52  #1
Http response splitting
  • 1 posts

Hi there. If I correctly understood this technique — I should get request with param lang=en and then another http response.

My html code:<html><script>I insert a picture here with src=myserver.com/document.cookie</script></html>
My shell script for doing it:
So I expect that second request from admin get this html page and call my server with their cookie into url address. But nothing happened.

What am I doing wrong?

Thursday 29 December 2016, 15:48  #2
Http response splitting
  • 2 posts

i am having the same problem. i believe i correctly injected my payload, because i am only getting the first response and the "admin" should get mine, but he doesn’t. have you found a solution to your problem?

Saturday 1 December 2018, 04:21  #3
Http response splitting
  • 5 posts

server is down ?

Saturday 1 December 2018, 04:29  #4
Http response splitting
  • 5 posts

Someone crashed the server!! :’-(