App - Script

Wednesday 3 June 2015, 01:15  #1
Python - pickle
  • 2 posts

Python - pickle broken? Or is that part of the challenge? No service running on said port and the binary errors out.

Wednesday 3 June 2015, 18:21  #2
Python - pickle
  • 2 posts

all part of the challenge 😉

Thursday 8 October 2015, 22:49  #3
Python - pickle
  • 3 posts

Hi all!
Could somebody tell me how should the AUTH type header look like?

Sunday 11 June 2017, 01:10  #4
Python - pickle
Mahdi Bagheri
  • 1 posts

hi everybody
problem to just start ?! firefox said : "The address wasn’t understood" does it need some other installation beside ?!

Monday 12 June 2017, 09:22  #5
Python - pickle

You either have to download PuTTY or you can also use the webSSH client available on the challenge