App - System

Thursday 2 March 2017, 11:24  #1
App - System Stack buffer overflow - C++ vtables
  • 3 posts


I am having a problem in this question. I have obtained a shell locally and on GDB in the server, however I am not able to get it outside. Actually, the memory address I am specifying in my payload is not working outside and I am not able to get a core file in the server to know the correct address. Can you please help with this issue?

Thank you.

Sunday 5 January 2020, 13:25  #2
App - System Stack buffer overflow - C++ vtables
  • 4 posts

I have exactly the same problem, and this is not the first task where it comes up. In the previous tasks I got away with a nopsled, but here it seems you have to get 3 pointers correct (first - redirection to your own vtable, second - the address of the pointer to shellcode and third - the address of your shellcode). It is really annoying that there are no coredumps. It seems bruteforce is the only way - apparently, gdb alters the addresses slightly.