App - Script

Wednesday 18 January 2017, 08:25  #1
App - Script - Cron - Bash
  • 2 posts

Hi anybody can give me some hint.
I have been stuck here for almost 2 weeks.

I just made a sh script like contain "chmod 777 /challenge/app-script/ch4/ch4/.passwd’ under the /tmp/._cron/ directory.
After 1 minute the was deleted but the .passwd remains unchanged.

I will appreciate for any reply.

Tuesday 8 August 2017, 00:33  #2
App - Script - Cron - Bash
  • 3 posts

I’d assume that the .passwd file is set to immutable (cant lsattr on it to check) so even the owner wont be able to change its permissions as you are trying to do.
It must be that way as its a shared system so if you did manage to change permissions of the file you’d effectively unlock the challenge for everyone else also.