App - System

Thursday 5 January 2017, 23:07  #1
App - System ELF32 Race Condition currently broken
  • 2 posts

The ELF32 Race condition challenge seems to be broken. The tmp file exists and contains the password; all a challenger needs to do is cat /tmp/tmp_file.txt to get the flag. The file cannot be deleted as the app-systeeme-ch12 user.

Thursday 5 January 2017, 23:09  #2
App - System ELF32 Race Condition currently broken
  • 5 posts

It’s a known issue. Thank you for reporting it.

Tuesday 21 November 2017, 19:04  #3
App - System ELF32 Race Condition currently broken
  • 1 posts

It looks like this challenge is broken again.

 app-systeme-ch12@challenge02: $ ./ch12
 [-] Can’t create tmp file : Permission denied
 app-systeme-ch12@challenge02: $ ls -la /tmp/tmp_file.txt
 -r—r----- 1 app-systeme-ch12-cracked app-systeme-ch12 0 Nov 21 16:43 /tmp/tmp_file.txt

And I can’t delete or read as app-systeeme-ch12 user.