
Wednesday 13 January 2016, 04:13  #1
Realist Bluebox - Pentest
  • 1 posts

So I found the injection point, but am quite stuck trying to get a shell. I have tried re-enabling the [*** stop spoil plz ***]. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Wednesday 9 March 2016, 22:39  #2
Realist Bluebox - Pentest
  • 1 posts


Tuesday 29 March 2016, 15:07  #3
Realist Bluebox - Pentest
  • 3 posts

Search for all users’ hashes in the db. try cracking hashes. try automated tools and payloads. I’m stuck at the next part.. local privilege escalation/pivoting/service enumeration. Can anyone help me out?

Tuesday 23 August 2016, 23:00  #4
Realist Bluebox - Pentest

Can someone PM me about this challenge? I am not going to ask for answers, but I need to make sure I am headed in the right direction. I already have a shell on the Webserver and have a decent understanding of Windows and Active Directory post exploitation.