Web - Client

Thursday 21 May 2015, 16:30  #1
JS Obfuscation 4
Tewfik Ghariani
  • 2 posts

Hello Guys i really need some Help in a Root-me Challenge => Web-Client =>Javascript - Obfuscation 4
I’ve literally tried all but in vain , i even made up some functions and tried to generate a password ,if you want you can check my script bellow (Moderated)
it used to work and generate a flag but the flag didn’t work, after a few changes it doesn’t work anymore x) can someone tell me what’s wrong??!!!
Yet,maybe i’m on the wrong path, if so , some advice will be appreciated ;
thanks 😄

Saturday 7 May 2016, 21:13  #2
JS Obfuscation 4
  • 1 posts

I’m struggling with this too.  🙄

I figured out how those functions work and I don’t see any other option then bruteforce. The problem is when I first tried generate 2 char passwords (a-z,A-Z,0-9) i found one that’s correct. I copied code from the pop up to ’validate’ section and it doesn’t work.

I generated 3 char passwords with the same pattern and there is 5 "correct" ( sum is equal 8932 ).
Maybe those codes aren’t the case I think, but there is nothing more in this pop up.