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The fast, easy, and affordable way to train your hacking skills.

challenge your hacking skills

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  • an open community for everyone Legal Disclaimer
  • train for free on various exercises
  • see solutions proposed by the other members
  • contribute to the foundation As a member of the foundation you can : and get a contributor access

Contributor access 0x0

  • get rewarded for your creations
  • contribute to moderation, proofreading solutions
  • participate in creation and exercise tests
  • contribute actively As a member of the foundation you can : and get a free premium access

0x0 Premium access

  • enjoy the latest exercises imagined by the contributors
  • showcase your expertise with skills badges
  • start a career in information systems security
  • your subscription is used to finance the new challenges

School & company

  • train your teams on professional environments
  • follow the progress of your teams
  • identify new talent
  • organize your CTF during your events

580 Challenges

Hundreds of challenges are available to train yourself in different and realistic environments, offering you a way to learn a lot of hacking technics !

Web - Server   Web - Client   Steganography   Realist   Cracking   Programming   Cryptanalysis   Network   App - Script   App - System   Forensic


175 Virtual Environnements

Dozens of virtual environments are available, accessible with a few clicks, to give you a realistic learning environment, without any limitation.

linux windows android java python php mysql postgresql apache nginx


5782 Solutions

Each challenge is associated with a multitude of solutions, related resources allowing you to learn and to see the way followed by other users.

fr   en   de   es   ru   zh

Get rewarded for your creations *

1 choose from the proposed subjects


2 validate your work

quality approuved

3 get published and rewarded*


* Reserved to foundation's members  As a member of the foundation you can :

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