### linux version Usage: ./sl2 [-f] [-c] [-d seconds] [-p packets] [-s packetsize] [-maxs packetsize] [-a srcaddr] [-l lowport] [-h highport] [-incports] [-sleep ms] [-syn[ack]] Target - the target we are trying to attack. Clones - number of packets to send at once (use -f for more than 6). -f - force usage of more than 6 clones. -c - class C flooding. -d seconds - time to flood in seconds (default 600, use 0 for no timeout). -p packets - packets to send for each clone (if used with -d is ignored). -s size - packet size (default 40, use 0 for random packets). -maxs size - maximum size for random packets. -a srcaddr - the spoofed source address (random if not specified). -l lowport - start port (1024 if not specified). -h highport - end port (65535 if not specified). -incports - choose ports incremental (random if not specified). -sleep ms - delay between packets in miliseconds (0=no delay by default). -syn - use SYN instead ACK. -synack - use SYN|ACK.