Web - Client

mardi 30 août 2022, 15:45  #1
Web - Client - Javascript - Obfuscation 4
  • 11 posts

Not sure I really failed that challenge or that I’m going about it the right way. I got a working password yet not the password this challeng is looking for. My thought process is :
 generate a 98 long passord of any random char. This way I can control each char of the key individually.
 I used "0" because it is an even char code number so it forces the logic to always use the same use case.
 Knowing that the sum of the char code has to be 8932, I then proceed to flipping char by char to "1" until I got a result just a bit under the previous mentionned number.
 Finally, since the first char of tha password always go through it’s own logic, I used the first char to adjust my sum to the exact number previously mentionned.
 The final string is : 20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001010111010101110010100101

It does work and pop the prompt window but that is clearly not getting me anywhere. It feels to be that I got a working solution that was not originally expected. That feels great but I guess I’ll need a hint on what should be the right approche to this challenge so that I may validate it.