3mrgnc3 - D0Not5top v1.2



18 Compromissions 17%

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This is my second public Boot2Root, It’s intended to be a little more difficult that the last one I made. That being said, it will depend on you how hard it is :D It’s filled with a few little things to make the player smile.

Again there are a few “Red Herrings”, and enumeration is key.

There are 7 flags to collect, designed to get progressively more difficult to obtain

Tiempo de compromiso

4 horas

Sistema operativo


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Resultado del CTF alltheday Resultado del CTF alltheday por 3mrgnc3 - D0Not5top v1.2

Usuario Entorno Virtual Numeros de participante Fecha de principio Maquína comprometida en
- 3mrgnc3 - D0Not5top v1.2 0 29 de noviembre de 2018 a 18:29 -