Bluebox 2 - Pentest



300 Compromissions 3%

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8 votos


Attention : this CTF-ATD is linked to the challenge "Bluebox 2 - Pentest"

The JZ company and its subsudiary corporation BS ask you a pentest to see how far can dig a skilled hacker on Internet. Only the fqdn is provided.

The CTF-ATD validation password is on DC1 in C:\passwd

Some useful informations about the company JZ:
 The Active Directory implies a strong password policy. Bruteforcing the Windows Administrator account is pointless.

Don’t forget :
 It’s a CTF made of several machines;
 Only one of these machines is accessible through Internet.

Tiempo de compromiso

4 horas

Sistema operativo


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Resultado del CTF alltheday Resultado del CTF alltheday por Bluebox 2 - Pentest

Usuario Entorno Virtual Numeros de participante Fecha de principio Maquína comprometida en
- Bluebox 2 - Pentest 1 3 de marzo de 2019 a 10:50 -
- Bluebox 2 - Pentest 0 2 de marzo de 2019 a 18:00 -
- Bluebox 2 - Pentest 0 2 de marzo de 2019 a 16:05 -
- Bluebox 2 - Pentest 0 2 de marzo de 2019 a 18:22 -
- Bluebox 2 - Pentest 0 2 de marzo de 2019 a 18:31 -