Publishing solutions on Internet

Martes 28 de febrero de 2017

We remind you that publishing solutions on Internet (Youtube, Github, personal blog, ...) is forbidden.

Every player that won’t respect this rule will be banned and tagged as "leaker" (on every page where he occurs) as long as its solution stays publicly readable.

Root-Me has a lot of challenges, however, if we can easily find the solutions on Internet, intentionaly or not, there is no more "challenge".
Obviously, there will always have cheaters looking for the solutions to show their "big score", without knowing and learning anything. We don’t really care that much about cheaters.

Nevertheless, those are some reasons why we want to limit the proliferation of these solutions:

  • Avoid spoiling a player looking for documentation on its current challenge
  • Keep on Root-Me a convivial learning platform
  • Stay consistent regarding the score and ranking, with its competitive spirit that a lot of you like (it’s human :p)
  • Don’t daunt the authors of the challenges that see their work "destroyed" directly by publishing its solution on Internet
  • Last but not least, don’t forget that you can share all your efficient or surprising solutions, directly on Root-Me (only the players that already solved the challenge can see them).

Even if this message concern a minority of you, thank you everyone for your comprehension.
Have fun on!