Web - Client

Sunday 27 November 2022, 21:41  #1
Web - Client - XSS DOM Based - Eval
  • 2 posts

I’ve been trying this one for a while and I thought that I’d cracked it.

I’ve come up with some code to use in the main page, which doesnt use parenthesis etc. When i submit in the calculation input on the main page it works and sends my cookie to my requestbin.
However when I submit that url on the contact page I dont get anything coming through to my requestbin.

Am I missing something, maybe another step or needing to format my code a different way? Or is it possible the bot in the challenge isnt working?

Sunday 19 February 2023, 21:55  #2
Web - Client - XSS DOM Based - Eval
  • 1 posts


Wednesday 26 April 2023, 13:13  #3
Web - Client - XSS DOM Based - Eval
  • 1 posts

yeah me too ,
I dont get anything coming through to my requestbin on the contact page