Python - input()

20 Points  0x0

Feed the python!



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18397 Challengers 6%

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1152 Votes

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Challenge Results Challenge Results

Pseudo Challenge Lang Date
ArthurR&TLannion App - Script  Python - input() fr 25 January 2025 at 17:46
T#0m@$ App - Script  Python - input() fr 25 January 2025 at 16:43
Martishai App - Script  Python - input() fr 24 January 2025 at 17:02
soheibihddn App - Script  Python - input() fr 24 January 2025 at 16:10
tdeaqw App - Script  Python - input() en 24 January 2025 at 14:35
0xdeadbeef App - Script  Python - input() en 24 January 2025 at 12:56
Naakin App - Script  Python - input() en 23 January 2025 at 21:40
remysansfamille App - Script  Python - input() fr 23 January 2025 at 16:04
florestan-fl App - Script  Python - input() fr 23 January 2025 at 16:01
eli App - Script  Python - input() en 23 January 2025 at 15:44

challenges 33 Challenges

Results Name Validations Number of points  Explanation for the scores Difficulty  Difficulty Author Note  Notation Solution Date
pas_valide Bash - System 1 15% 49803 5 Lu33Y 10 8 February 2012
pas_valide sudo - weak configuration 10% 33128 5 notfound404 5 6 February 2012
pas_valide Bash - System 2 9% 29210 10 Lu33Y 10 8 February 2012
pas_valide LaTeX - Input 2% 4516 10 Podalirius , Mhd_Root 5 17 March 2021
pas_valide Powershell - Command Injection 2% 6346 10 hat.time 7 19 June 2020
pas_valide AppArmor - Jail Introduction 1% 573 15 nivram 4 10 May 2023
pas_valide Bash - unquoted expression injection 2% 6807 15 sbrk 5 26 October 2020
pas_valide Docker - I am groot 1% 2775 15 Nishacid 2 24 February 2022
pas_valide Perl - Command injection 4% 13242 15 Tosh 9 11 August 2015
pas_valide Powershell - SecureString 1% 3249 15 hat.time 4 19 June 2020
pas_valide Bash - cron 4% 12379 20 g0uZ 8 6 May 2013
pas_valide LaTeX - Command execution 1% 2082 20 Podalirius , Mhd_Root 3 17 March 2021
pas_valide Python - input() 6% 18397 20 g0uZ 11 27 May 2014
pas_valide R: Code Execution 1% 885 20 Fey 7 25 September 2023
pas_valide Powershell - Basic jail 1% 1254 25 hat.time 10 19 June 2020
pas_valide Python - pickle 2% 5403 25 koma 10 7 September 2012
pas_valide Bash - quoted expression injection 1% 1608 30 sbrk 6 26 October 2020
pas_valide Docker - Sys-Admin’s Docker 1% 1026 30 Nishacid 3 24 February 2022
pas_valide Shared Objects hijacking 1% 841 30 das 2 5 March 2020
pas_valide SSH - Agent Hijacking 1% 2234 30 mayfly 5 7 October 2018
pas_valide AppArmor - Jail Medium 1% 147 35 nivram 1 25 September 2023
pas_valide Bash - race condition 1% 559 35 sbrk 10 5 May 2020
pas_valide Docker - Talk through me 1% 692 35 Nishacid 2 24 February 2022
pas_valide Python - format string 1% 1184 35 lovasoa 1 26 March 2021
pas_valide Python - PyJail 1 2% 6994 35 sambecks 5 3 January 2015
pas_valide PHP - Jail 1% 798 40 LordRoke 10 1 March 2019
pas_valide Python - PyJail 2 2% 4289 40 zM_ 10 17 February 2015
pas_valide Python - Jail - Exec 1% 1805 50 Arod 3 23 February 2015
pas_valide Javascript - Jail 1% 470 55 waxous 4 7 December 2016
pas_valide Python - Jail - Garbage collector 1% 582 55 n0d 5 12 August 2017
pas_valide Bash - Restricted shells 1% 2997 60 Yorin 9 14 January 2017
pas_valide Python - Eval Is Evil 1% 102 60 Mister7F 1 28 December 2023
pas_valide Deep learning - Malicious model 1% 12 70 blackndoor 0 26 July 2024