App - Système

jeudi 15 février 2018, 21:17  #1
App - Système - ELF x86 Format string bug basic 1
  • 1 posts

Hello everyone,

I am quiet stuck with this challenge. I have understood that I need to enter a format string as argv[1] so that printf let me explore the stack.
I did so, I have achieved to write a format string allowing me to print the string at any address (i.e. printf("%s", addr)).

However I am unable to find the buffer. I can get main arguments, environment variables, the static strings, I am even able to locate %ebp and %esp, but the buffer seems unreachable to me.

Can anyone help me ?

Best regards.

vendredi 9 mars 2018, 16:09  #2
App - Système - ELF x86 Format string bug basic 1
  • 1 posts

Hi ! I just read on another forum thread ( in french ) that we don’t need the buffer address for this challenge ...

Else, I’m pretty sure I find the buffer address ( with gdb and a very basic method :) ) but can’t print it via format string ( but I tested others strings, my crafted buffer works ).