
Tuesday 17 July 2018, 13:54  #1
Programming Quick-Response-Code
  • 7 posts

this challenge is not difficult , use python get a http response -> decode the image and save -> fix the qr code -> use zxing python decode -> get the result -> post ...

i have finished all this steps . but ....

when i use python get the first response ,, the reply of server just told me : too late???

for this condition , i wrote this python for a loop , loop lots of times : get -> decode -> post my answer .

but every time the server told me : failed , try again ?

why ....

this challenge not difficult , i can decode every qr code used by python !!! i get every qr code ’s correct answer ? why always told me : failed???

eg :
The key is /qrcod_Dkv1Yb -> i post the: qrcod_Dkv1Yb

anybody can tell me the reason ? or it’s the bug is your challenge?!

Tuesday 17 July 2018, 18:27  #2
Programming Quick-Response-Code(solved)
  • 7 posts

solved ,,, by myself

Monday 17 December 2018, 03:14  #3
Programming Quick-Response-Code
  • 1 posts

Still Stuck here.
I get the key. the format is always the same : "The key is /qrcod_random"
I think i got the decodeing corectly but it’s always wrong when I submit it.
What part of the key should I submit? all of it?

Thanks for the help

Thursday 6 May 2021, 10:15  #4
Programming Quick-Response-Code
  • 1 posts

these is very easy for 40 pts