App - System

Sunday 3 June 2018, 14:07  #1
ELF x64 - Logic bug
  • 1 posts

can anybody give me a hint?

Saturday 22 September 2018, 18:41  #2
ELF x64 - Logic bug
  • 2 posts

Joins the request

Saturday 22 September 2018, 19:13  #3
ELF x64 - Logic bug
  • 7 posts


Best regards.

Thursday 23 May 2019, 12:59  #4
ELF x64 - Logic bug
  • 6 posts


This is more a summary of what I (unsuccessfully) tried to do than a question, so I hope I don’t spoil:

As suggested in the attached document "Glibc the forgotten chunks", I am trying to do a heap overflow. In the "display_shifted_file_content" function, I try to overwrite the beginning of the "filename_alloc" chunk with by overfilling the "buf" chunk.
But I don’t succeed in overfilling it.
On the other hand, the second attached document suggests that fgets is a vulnerable function (it is the only function present in this doc and in the challenge code). I don’t see why such a function could help me overfilling anything...

Am I looking in completely wrong directions ?


Thursday 23 May 2019, 13:31  #5
ELF x64 - Logic bug
  • 42 posts

Let me just say that my solution to the challenge is completely different (with respect to yours 2 proposed paths). But this challenge has many possible paths to the solution (exploiting different bugs). Big kudos to the sbrk for this challenge.

Monday 21 October 2019, 16:31  #6
ELF x64 - Logic bug
  • 6 posts

@nonstandardmodel: Thanks for your small hint.

I recently came back to this nice challenge and I found a couple vulnerabilities in the binary. I have a question about one direction I’m currently looking at (again I hope I don’t spoil):

I can take control of the instruction pointer, but it does not help me much as the code section is randomized (it seems that I can’t do more than jump to some return addresses that were previously stored on the stack) and I don’t succeed in bypassing this randomization: I don’t control the stack. Do all know solutions include controlling the stack at some point (like most "system" challenges up to this level) ?


EDIT: I found another path to the password. Thanks sbrk for this rich binary.