Web - Server

Thursday 31 May 2018, 03:58  #1
SQL Injection Routed
  • 1 posts

Hi! I have some problem in solving this task. My suppositions - such query:
’ union select 1 —
it will output info about user with id=1, so, we understand, that 1 substituted in another query. After that I tried such query:
’ union select 0x2d3120756e696f6e2073656c6563742069642c6c6f67696e2c706173732066726f6d2075736572732077686572652069643d33 —
use hex bacause of filtration
It does not work out any more, what I’m doing wrong?? Help, please

Saturday 4 January 2020, 22:29  #2
SQL Injection Routed
  • 6 posts

got the same problem with that one ’ union select does give server timeout..

Thursday 27 August 2020, 11:34  #3
SQL Injection Routed
  • 2 posts

@brumens and @dmitry if you still havent found the solution, please see this link:
