App - System

Monday 26 March 2018, 21:50  #1
App - System ELF x86 - Out of bounds attack - French Paradox
  • 3 posts

Completely Stuck in this challenge. Any hints on where to concentrate ??

Monday 26 March 2018, 22:06  #2
App - System ELF x86 - Out of bounds attack - French Paradox
  • 7 posts

Try the easier challenges first to figure out if you’re experienced enough to achieve this one.

Monday 26 March 2018, 22:33  #3
App - System ELF x86 - Out of bounds attack - French Paradox
  • 3 posts

I would do that. But small hint would be nice. Is it overflow in abs() ??

Monday 9 April 2018, 11:51  #4
App - System ELF x86 - Out of bounds attack - French Paradox
  • 3 posts

I am not asking for solution.. only guidance ???

Wednesday 29 March 2023, 12:43  #5
App - System ELF x86 - Out of bounds attack - French Paradox
  • 15 posts

Yes, it would be nice.
I am also stuck in there.

I could do some tricks (like setting the base I want desite controls or creating floating exceptions ...), I aloso have a clear view of the stack in function process, but I miss some points.