
Tuesday 22 August 2017, 21:49  #1
Cryptanalysis Shift cipher
  • 1 posts


I’m not sure how to do this one. I have looked at the ch7.bin file, but don’t see how you should substitute all non-letters. And how should you substitute the normal letters? Do you have to try and substitute all characters with others to get a normal word?

Friday 1 December 2017, 19:14  #2
Cryptanalysis Shift cipher

Read it in binary -> hex and try to shift it

Wednesday 2 May 2018, 04:54  #3
Cryptanalysis Shift cipher
  • 1 posts

I don’t know how to continue. I found the string "The quick brown fox jumps over 13 lazy dogs.", applied the ROT13 but doesn’t work. Applied some other shift techniques but any of the work.
I tried to exclude the blank spaces. Nothing is working.

Wednesday 11 March 2020, 21:15  #4
Cryptanalysis Shift cipher
  • 32 posts

I’m down with this challenge.
What I found: encoding from the .bin, and I read documentation for substitute letters
But I don’t have only letters on hexa, but also unknown characters.