Web - Client

Saturday 8 July 2017, 11:11  #1
Web - Client CSFR 0 Protection

Hi! I tried to resolve this challenge with HTML injection. I write a form in Contact form like Profile’s one with Status enable with an onload method but the administrator hasn’t never read my post! I don’t have any idea!

Sunday 9 July 2017, 12:29  #2
Web - Client CSFR 0 Protection
  • 65 posts

Probably your payloard that doesn’t work

Friday 17 November 2017, 12:51  #3
Web - Client CSFR 0 Protection

I tried send iframe, and in bind submit to body tag on remote page. But it did not work, I need some hints

Friday 9 November 2018, 01:59  #4
Web - Client CSFR 0 Protection
  • 5 posts

Hello i make a script to steel the admin cookie, the javascript execute ok on the admin side but it returns NULL, any idea? 🙂