
Sunday 4 June 2017, 14:29  #1
ELF64 Shellcode
  • 4 posts

I built a successful PoC for this challenge and it is working flawlessly on my machine (using the binaries copied from the server). However on the actual server greets me with a few errors :
“chmod: modification des permissions de _passwd/_: Op_ration non permise
mv: impossible d’acc_der _ _passwd/.passwd_hZBari9OxFqC78rEBIvWRnOsnLtxGMsr_: Permission non accord_e
chmod: impossible d’acc_der _ _passwd/.passwd_*_: Permission non accord_e
chmod: modification des permissions de _passwd/_: Op_ration non permise

Which indicates that there may be a uid problem on the execution and so the shellcode cannot open the folder or any file.

Note : I also tested with a copy of the binaries and a fake passwd folder on a tmp folder directly on the live server and it worked.
Can someone fix this please ?

Sunday 4 June 2017, 16:30  #2
ELF64 Shellcode
  • 4 posts

Nvm i was just dumb, didn’t see that it was a remote chall (it was my first one)