App - Script

Thursday 12 January 2017, 00:54  #1
Javascript - Jail
  • 4 posts


I have been trying to break from this jail for hours on and still can’t get my head around it. I clearly feel like I am missing something important (maybe obvious??) about this jail.
here are some of the things I tried:
 getting around keyword restrictions (string concatenation, various encodings, etc).
 all interesting things seem to be sandboxed properly (can’t access require, child_proces, etc.)
 tried to redefine some functions to no avail (errors, toString, etc.)
 tried to provoke a memory overflow using infinite loops (seems to be properly handled by the script)
 shell crashes when passed "undefined" but I doubt this has anything to do with solving that challenge since it seems to be an issue with vorpal

any help/clue would be much appreciated!


edit: finally found the solution. I made a quick write-up about it.

Thursday 25 May 2017, 20:37  #2
Javascript - Jail
  • 2 posts

Any help/clue would be much appreciated !

Monday 19 June 2017, 15:57  #3
Javascript - Jail
  • 3 posts


Read some doc about Node.js processes and such if you don’t know about it, it helped me find the solution