App - System

Tuesday 1 November 2016, 23:42  #1
App - System - BSS Buffer Overflow
  • 4 posts

Hi !

I managed to get the program to execute my shellcode and spawn a shell but somehow i don’t seem to get the privileges of the running program (so i can’t read the flag).

Do you have any ideas or fix for this problem ?

Thanks you

 (PNG, 8.2 kb)
Wednesday 29 May 2019, 15:55  #2
App - System - BSS Buffer Overflow
  • 4 posts

Same trouble

Wednesday 29 May 2019, 15:58  #3
App - System - BSS Buffer Overflow
  • 4 posts

this is my screen

Friday 3 January 2020, 18:36  #4
App - System - BSS Buffer Overflow
  • 1 posts

Look at the other challenges in App - System.
They call the method setreuid before system(’/bin/bash’)

e.g. ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 2 (ch15)

your shellcode has to do that too