
Saturday 12 December 2015, 15:03  #1
Network - Netfilter Common Mistake
  • 1 posts

Do we need to connect to the server by passing, or do we need to use a different client i have identified SSH if not revealing too much am i on the right path kindly hint me :)

Saturday 21 January 2017, 23:20  #2
Network - Netfilter Common Mistake
  • 3 posts

I need some help with this. I haven’t even found ssh.

Sunday 24 September 2017, 15:46  #3
Network - Netfilter Common Mistake
  • 1 posts

I used reverse proxy and white-list servers to enter it by scapy but with no luck any one have found the right “method”?

Monday 23 October 2017, 14:40  #4
Network - Netfilter Common Mistake
  • 4 posts

I think the key is below, but i do not have http reques tool to submit the more http requests within a sec.

[Th1b4ud : no spoil please !]

Wednesday 25 October 2017, 15:15  #5
Network - Netfilter Common Mistake
  • 7 posts

The only tool you need is curl

Wednesday 25 October 2017, 16:56  #6
Network - Netfilter Common Mistake
  • 2 posts

I’m a bit stuck on this one too - been trying to follow the rules laid out in the script. I think the part Tony posted is just a defence against a packet flood attack. I’ve been paying attention to the whitelist and rules, adding referrer headers, trying to proxy through (or set referer header to) the one mentioned in the rules but still no luck. Mostly using curl but tried burpsuite too.

Wednesday 23 January 2019, 11:38  #7
Network - Netfilter Common Mistake
  • 1 posts

Can someone help me. What parameter of curl do I need to use?