
Saturday 13 March 2021, 04:37  #1
ELF x64 - Basic KeygenMe
  • 1 posts

Hello. Trying to run this ch36.bin on an Ubuntu VM (64bit), I get "segmentation fault". There are no imports so it’s not the reason. It’64bit Linux and other crackme works. Can you check the executable, please?

Tuesday 23 March 2021, 11:29  #2
ELF x64 - Basic KeygenMe
  • 1 posts

Same thing happens on non VM Arch Linux x64. Debugging it shows that it fails right on the first instruction.

Monday 19 April 2021, 09:43  #3
ELF x64 - Basic KeygenMe
  • 1 posts

Got same pb on kali x64, however i tryed it on another VM debian 10 x64 and it works