Web - Server

Tuesday 4 August 2020, 04:57  #1
Web - Server - X-Debug
  • 99 posts


I must confess that when someone has primitive hardware or software alternatives then the point is how to find other possibilities. Hmmm ?
Good.. The issue here might be to connect back to client ip. I made my connection back to a server i know because it is not behind NAT. The confusing thing is how to register the server to root-me.org so i can get an answer to that one. My software complains that it can not access challenge01.root-me.org, because it is not registered there as you know.
The other way could be to use NAT - Server alternatively or make that server get registered with account of root-me.org so i can process the way there.

Any ideas...
Thx again for doing hard and fast,

Tuesday 13 October 2020, 16:11  #2
Web - Server - X-Debug
  • 99 posts

Hi guys,

Well, it is clear now. It works, but if the client-computer allows opening ports out- and inwards. I had an account on a foreign server and and worked like a charm with one exception: The client does not process any commands i would appreciate. It says it has connection, but the rest of information hangs out like a garbage without having humor for the thrown errors it made since than. I know it is funny and i think it could be a Network challenge, but i am fine. All is well.

Thx for snatching things away,
making things so clearly,
and the most for being cool.

Tuesday 13 October 2020, 17:49  #3
Web - Server - X-Debug
  • 99 posts


i found good source codes and compiled them. Read the docs carefully.

Good day,
gg ;)

Wednesday 14 October 2020, 17:58  #4
[CLOS] Web - Server - X-Debug
  • 1636 posts

Great gg