
Thursday 26 December 2019, 17:23  #1
Network ETHERNET - Frame
  • 1 posts

I decode the hex frame, now I’ve many information but i don’t see any password. There some user names, some links, some protocol but i don’t know where to find the password. If anyone could help me. Thank’s

Tuesday 4 February 2020, 18:04  #2
Network ETHERNET - Frame
  • 3 posts

After you decode the hex to ASCII, there will be a set of strings which is likely a http packet header.
Then you will find the key at the header field "Authorization".

Wednesday 3 June 2020, 20:24  #3
Network ETHERNET - Frame
  • 2 posts

Read the "Http Basic Authentication" document, provided as related resource.
Once you’ve gone through it, everything should be clear.