
Monday 7 October 2019, 19:00  #1
Cracking: GB - Basic GameBoy crackme
  • 4 posts


I’m trying to solve GB Basic GameBoy crackme but I can’t get it to disassemble properly in IDA Pro, do I have to change some options before loading it? I have no experience with ROMs and I’d like to continue using IDA to third party tools in order to familiarize myself with it.

Thank you!

Monday 7 October 2019, 22:48  #2
Cracking: GB - Basic GameBoy crackme
  • 1636 posts

Ida doesn’t supports this type of architecture yet. You can use instead radare2 :

Tuesday 8 October 2019, 12:18  #3
Cracking: GB - Basic GameBoy crackme
  • 4 posts

I see, thanks!

Tuesday 8 October 2019, 18:52  #4
Cracking: GB - Basic GameBoy crackme
  • 42 posts

There are other disassembles available on Git (running on Linux). At least for me using a tool from Git (I do not know if I can give the link here, make a bit of research) was much easier than to use Radare2.

Friday 15 November 2019, 11:27  #5
Cracking: GB - Basic GameBoy crackme
  • 3 posts

you can use GBG, it has a very good debugger