
Saturday 7 September 2019, 23:28  #1
ELF MIPS - Basic Crackme by stan1slas
  • 5 posts

im stuck , tried everything and it’s been more than a week now , literally translated every instruction , any hints ?

Wednesday 16 October 2019, 23:23  #2
ELF MIPS - Basic Crackme by stan1slas
  • 10 posts

I’ve heard of running the binary in QEMU but I haven’t been able to get a stable MIPS image running on it. If you find a QEMU solution that works for you please let me know!

Tuesday 22 October 2019, 02:10  #3
ELF MIPS - Basic Crackme by stan1slas
  • 5 posts

actually i solved this task weeks ago , and i didnt need to find any QEMU for it , i did few tricks and it worked for me simply , keep trying and you’ll eventually solve it , good luck.

Monday 30 December 2019, 20:01  #4
ELF MIPS - Basic Crackme by stan1slas
  • 2 posts

Were you able to run the binary?

Tuesday 14 April 2020, 21:28  #5
ELF MIPS - Basic Crackme by stan1slas
  • 1 posts

I’ve solved the challenge staitcally, he is not very hard, you have just to rename a few variables and to understand the structure of the program (loops ...)